Sunday, July 24, 2011

Photos of Me

Photographs of me, front and 3/4 view. In case anyone wants to make a comparison with my self portraits. Click on the “self portrait” tag.

I usually draw self portraits by looking in a mirror. I don’t know why I’ve done so many, but I think its partly because I think my face is weird, and partly because I’m the easiest person around to draw from life.
My skin tone changes with the seasons, and my hair color changes on a whim. :) (I’ve had red, purple, brown, black, blonde, blue, orange and pink hair)

Stand out facial features:
oval face shape, thin lips, long Spanish nose (with a mole on the left hand side), high round cheeks and large round eyes (I’m squinting in that photo from the flash, but sometimes my eyes can look practically buggy…) I think my neck is thicker than a normal human’s, but its probably my imagination.

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